Keith Fiscus is the Founder and CEO of Innovative Career Resources & Staffing, which is a professional recruiting & staffing firm specializing in Accounting, Finance, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Customer Experience, and Executive Administrative professionals. Keith is a proud veteran of the United States Army (Airborne). After completing his enlistment in the Army, Keith parlayed his experience as a Combat Medic into a career in the healthcare industry as an Emergency Room Nurse. It was Keith’s experience in healthcare and passion for science that inspired him to transition into the field of Talent Acquisition. Aside from running ICR, Keith is a past-President for the Orange County Chapter of the Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO), an active participant in the ASCP (American Society of Clinical Pathologists), the ASA (American Staffing Association), and the NHRA (National Human Resources Association). Keith is a lifelong learner and has enjoyed attending executive education programs at both the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), and Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.
Keith is the proud father of three incredible children, and one beautiful granddaughter (for now).